Heather Carnes | Atlanta

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7 Ways to Recognize Your Own Beauty

Growing up, my grandmother always said to wear lipstick and a bit of makeup — that it makes you look more confident and polished.

Of course, our grandmothers grew up in a different time, where it was their job to raise the kids and take care of the household — all in a full face of makeup and perfectly curled hair.

While my grandmother’s advice can seem dated these days, there’s a sage message in there: Take care of yourself, have confidence and be the best version of you.

So how do we better embrace the notion that we’re all beautiful? To feel beautiful, we have to shift our thinking around what it truly means. To be beautiful is to be a bit complicated. Here’s how we can recognize our beauty for what it really is.


1 Beauty is confidence

What you think is who you are. To be beautiful is to be confident in your own skin. Confidence is complex, though. It comes from so many places within — it’s wrapped up in our value and self-worth, our past, what we think others think of us, how we let others treat us and how we practice self-love.


2 Beauty is respect

Respecting our bodies is crucial to recognizing our own beauty. What we put into them, how we treat them, let them rest and make them move, is the foundation for self-respect and honoring ourselves.


3 Beauty is unique

Owning what we like and expressing it through our unique style is such an important form of self-expression. There’s beauty in that alone — the appreciation and acceptance of different tastes and personal preferences.


4 Beauty is happiness

A simple smile and showing enthusiasm makes us happier and more fulfilled. Owning your happiness and letting it show is one small, subtle way to embrace your beauty.


5 Beauty is in actions

Beauty is how we treat others, the words we choose, the decisions we make and the things we do. It’s recognizing that our actions have a direct effect on our worth and how much we love ourselves.


6 Beauty is love

We all have that one person in our lives who makes us feel beautiful. Whether a spouse, parent or friend, spend time with those who help you acknowledge your own beauty and strength.


My husband loves me just the way I am, and that, some days, is all I need to know.